"There is nothing quite so satisfying, and so healing, as a good cry."
Isn't that the truth! I've only cried a couple of times since we found out everything. They were quick cries and not significant. I would quickly stop myself because I didn't want anyone to see me...especially not my husband or kids. I had to be STRONG! Do we really even understand the true meaning of that word? I think I was being more strong willed...and not strong. I know that Ashton is watching me as I move through this and we don't know yet if Sage and Emma have the same disease and will need the same treatment. I wanted to be strong for them, but I forgot that they needed to see me be real. As I said before, I moved through the days for a while. I, in my mind, was still healthy and invincible. It wasn't until my appointment with the surgeon that I began to realize that this was all reality and it was happening......even when I was trying so hard to ignore it. Even as I sit here and type, I can't get the thought out of my head that if anyone reads this, all they are going to see is me whining and feeling sorry for myself....or needing attention.
As we were driving home from the surgeon's office, I was reading the thick packet that Dr. Mac gave me about my surgery, recovery, 2nd surgery, hospital stay, healing, ileostomy bag and food. Basically, all the information I needed to be prepared. I think it was page 10 that was finally too much! I threw the papers in the air, got mad and then cried like I have never cried. My poor husband didn't know what to do with me and you could see it in his face and you could hear it in his voice. I think he tried to reason with me any way he could. I WAS NOT going to do this....nope! "WHY ME GOD?" That cry hurt! I couldn't breath, I was gasping for air through the tears. I could feel myself getting louder and louder and my stomach was killing me. After I came home, I went to our bedroom to try to calm down and get myself together.....because it really was all about keeping myself together, right? Each one of my kids and my husband came in one at a time to lay with me. Another moment that I get to take with me in my memories. That was my first step to healing. They say that you have to take it day by day, but I have to take it thought by thought. It's hard to keep those negative feelings away. I swear I'm in prayer at least 90 percent of the day because of what I'm feeling or what I'm thinking. It was that great big cry that helped me to release my anger, sorrow, fear and confusion and help me accept my circumstances. Sometimes a good cry can be so cleansing and healing.
Information about Familial Adenomatous Polyposis at: http://hopkins-gi.nts.jhu.edu/multimedia/database/intro_84_FAP-Book.pdf
Isn't that the truth! I've only cried a couple of times since we found out everything. They were quick cries and not significant. I would quickly stop myself because I didn't want anyone to see me...especially not my husband or kids. I had to be STRONG! Do we really even understand the true meaning of that word? I think I was being more strong willed...and not strong. I know that Ashton is watching me as I move through this and we don't know yet if Sage and Emma have the same disease and will need the same treatment. I wanted to be strong for them, but I forgot that they needed to see me be real. As I said before, I moved through the days for a while. I, in my mind, was still healthy and invincible. It wasn't until my appointment with the surgeon that I began to realize that this was all reality and it was happening......even when I was trying so hard to ignore it. Even as I sit here and type, I can't get the thought out of my head that if anyone reads this, all they are going to see is me whining and feeling sorry for myself....or needing attention.
As we were driving home from the surgeon's office, I was reading the thick packet that Dr. Mac gave me about my surgery, recovery, 2nd surgery, hospital stay, healing, ileostomy bag and food. Basically, all the information I needed to be prepared. I think it was page 10 that was finally too much! I threw the papers in the air, got mad and then cried like I have never cried. My poor husband didn't know what to do with me and you could see it in his face and you could hear it in his voice. I think he tried to reason with me any way he could. I WAS NOT going to do this....nope! "WHY ME GOD?" That cry hurt! I couldn't breath, I was gasping for air through the tears. I could feel myself getting louder and louder and my stomach was killing me. After I came home, I went to our bedroom to try to calm down and get myself together.....because it really was all about keeping myself together, right? Each one of my kids and my husband came in one at a time to lay with me. Another moment that I get to take with me in my memories. That was my first step to healing. They say that you have to take it day by day, but I have to take it thought by thought. It's hard to keep those negative feelings away. I swear I'm in prayer at least 90 percent of the day because of what I'm feeling or what I'm thinking. It was that great big cry that helped me to release my anger, sorrow, fear and confusion and help me accept my circumstances. Sometimes a good cry can be so cleansing and healing.
Information about Familial Adenomatous Polyposis at: http://hopkins-gi.nts.jhu.edu/multimedia/database/intro_84_FAP-Book.pdf