If you ask anyone that knows me well, they will tell you that in this life I have not yet learned how to fly by the seat of my pants. I like schedules and plans and lists and organization. I even had a conversation with someone recently and we were talking about how the lines in the floor, after vacuuming, are therapeutic and make us happy.
Lists are gratifying. You fill them with things that you need done or want to do and then you check them off one by one. Some of my lists still have empty check boxes, but when you finish a list, it is a major feeling of victory and accomplishment. Maybe that is why I do it. Life can kind of wrap itself around your ankles and drag you around, but if you put your goals down on a piece of paper, it seems to loosen the rope. It gives you a little control over what is next. Control - check.
I just started a new list. It is titled, "Unknowns." That list is already reaching 20 and I haven't been able to check anything off yet. However, a very wise person that is aware of my need for lists and order told me that if I made a list of unknowns then that would be planning. Magical words for those of us O.C.D.'ers. My "Unknowns" list starts like this:
1.) Learn to fly by the seat of my pants. A MUST in a world of unknowns! We never know what tomorrow may bring.