Wednesday, April 21, 2010

One Year

"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate."

Here I am!  I landed on one year of recovery!  I, absolutely, can not believe I made it through 365 days.  The first thing Bill said to me this morning was, "I know it's an important day today, don't be sad."  SAD!  No way, not in a million years!  I've mourned the loss of my colon for 364 days.  So, on this 365th day, I'm celebrating this milestone!  I'm celebrating my life.

I'm still on this journey and we are about to start Ashton's, but we are going to stop so that we can acknowledge and celebrate every small victory.  To me, ever step that you take with F.A.P. is a HUGE victory!

I'll close with this - today, April 21, 2010, I'm letting my pink light shine!!